Recordings for Mary Poppins Auditions
Just click on a link below to practice singing along with the part for which you are auditioning. Practice hard and be ready for your...
New for the Spring Season 2018... Mary Poppins Jr.!
SMartS DEPT 1) WHO CAN PLAY WITH US? TheatreWorks Stage (Grades 6-8) Actors, Ensemble, Choreo, Artistic Design, and Stage Crew, anyone...
Tech Week Approaching for "The Night Shift Before Christmas"
The cast, crew, and band have been working hard and TheartreWorks' production of "The Night Shift Before Christmas" is almost here! We...
The SMS Music Department is proud to announce our new wind instrument & piano instructor, Ms. Bu
We are very pleased and proud to announce a new addition to our musical teaching team at Saint Mary School! Ms. Burkat will be taking...
Sheet music for "The Night Shift before Christmas"
Click on the links below to access sheet music for "The Night Shift Before Christmas". If there are no notes or no part for your...
TheatreWorks presents "The Night Shift before Christmas"
SMartS DEPT 1) WHO CAN PLAY WITH US? TheatreWorks Stage (Grades 6-8) Actors, Ensemble, Choreo, Artistic Design, and Stage Crew, anyone...
SMartS Camp "Press Start!" VIDEO
Enjoy the last days of summer, enjoy the video, share it up. You are all awesome!!!
Mr. Kabash Says Farewell
​​ [click here to view this letter as a PDF] Dear Students, Parents, and Colleagues of Saint Mary School, Please accept this letter as my...
Last Mass Recordings 6-15-2017
SMSingers, you're awesome. Album art by Amalia G! Songs listed in order we sang them.
Graduation Mass Recordings 6-9-2017
SMSingers, you're awesome. I also had an extra mic at the cantor stand, so you recent cantor grads should listen for your voices, and it...