Introducing a new Christmas musical for 2019... "Away In a Mango"!
A festive holiday cruise to Christmas Island aboard the luxurious Yuletide turns perilous for nine passengers on a day shopping excursion...
Check out these changes to our Rehearsal Schedule!
This year at Saint Mary School, we are making some fundamental changes to our weekly rehearsal schedule. TheatreWorks Rehearsals are...
Sign Your Child Up For Music Lessons at Saint Mary School in 2019-2020!
It is now possible to sign your child up for lessons at Saint Mary School! Here at Saint Mary's, we offer lessons on a wide variety of...
Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser for Willy Wonka Jr.
Rehearsals for Willy Wonka Jr. are underway! The students are excited and are doing an incredible job in both cast and band. It's...
Audition Materials for Willy Wonka JR
Auditions for "Willy Wonka JR" will be held after school on Wednesday, February 6th. Acting roles will be given to the students who are...
Cast List for Sheep in Heavenly Peace
Everyone did a fantastic job at their auditions! Thanks for being prepared and working hard. Everyone who tried out received a part in...
Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser Sunday, November 24th @ 8:00 am
We will have our Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser on Sunday, November 24th at 8:00 am. Come on out, have a tasty breakfast, enjoy some...
Audition Materials for "Sheep In Heavenly Peace"
Here are the audition materials for "Sheep in Heavenly Peace". Click on any link to access parts of the script and audio recordings. ...
Big Band Sheet Music
Just click on a link below to access the sheet music for that instrument. Check back again for updates. Windy & Warm Flute Clarinet...
Cast List for Mary Poppins
Everyone did such a wonderful job auditioning for Mary Poppins! We are so incredibly proud of all of you! Everyone brought their best...