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Lesson Sign up / Info
  SoundWaves Lessons    


Payment must received at SMS before your signup becomes signup will be processed and scheduled.

Signup for 2017-18 NOW!
Our arts programs grows with our students. 
recital collage 1

recital collage 1









Program Opportunities and Inspirations at a glance:
  • Christmas musical featuring a student pit orchestra for selected intermediate level students

  • Three SoundWaves Cafes, lesson students are encouraged to participate in our informal winter concert series

  • Spring Band performance, for intermediate level students with strong practice ethic

  • Spring Recital, all students strongly encouraged to participate in this 2 day event.  Audio performances will be professionally recorded.

  • Saint Mary Singers - opportunity for a select few advanced students to accompany the choir on a weekly basis

  • Various Facility Improvements and Instrument acquisitions all the time.​


See Mr. Kabash for more info about activities and lessons.

Recent Lessons News

What Instrument should I study?

(more info to be added in the future...)


  • A universal instrument, all musicians should have basic knowledge of piano

  • Play any kind of music in many different ensmbles

  • Great for visualizing music theory

  • There's always a new song to learn, and

  • Soloists can play full orchestrations without a full band (harmony and melody)

Guitar, Ukulele
  • Also great instruments to start with

  • Can play chords and melody

  • Portable, can play music inside or out, standing or sitting


Wind, Strings & Percussion
  • Really great solo & band instruments​

  • Portable, can play music inside or out, standing or sitting

  • Get in a position to be in various high school level music ensembles


Answers to common questions


How Playing an instrument affects your brain
Instrument Demonstrations
What Inst
Buy tips

Tips for buying & renting Instruments


A real piano is the best, no electronic keyboard can compare.

If you are planning to use an electronic keyboard, aim for one with weighted keys and hopefully 76 of them, 88 is a full keyboard, even better




If you are not yet a full sized human, go for a 1/2 or 3/4 sized acoustic guitar.  Also, if you restring it with "Silk and Steel" strings, they will be softer and more comfortable on your fingers than the Bronze wound strings they typically have.




While a Soprano ukulele is the most widely seen uke, it is also the smallest.  We reccommend a Concert or Tenor sized uke.  They're a little bigger and so are easier to finger and also have more "body" in the sound.




Brass and Woodwind instruments are a great choice if you want to play in the band!  Many local music shops rent.  I know Jacks Music does rent-to-own, and if you use the coupon code "Mike Kabash" they may give you about 25% off the standard rental price.


The pTrumpet is the world’s first ever fully plastic trumpet – a fully functioning Bb trumpet, designed in the UK for musicians by musicians.  They also make  a pBone trombone!




Here are some sticks we recommend  They are 5B sticks, it's not a major issue, different thicknesses basically.

Here is the practice pad we recommend.

This is the only book we'll ever need.

Lesson Policy

Lesson Policy


  • Please send to SMS in a very clearly marked envelope, with students name/ HR, and "Attn. Mr. Butts"

  • Make checks payable to "Saint Mary School." In the memo write, "SoundWaves, Child's Name."

  • Payment may be made in 3 installments of 8 lessons/ea. First payment due upon signup. 

  • Winter payment due Jan 4, and Spring due March 8.

  • Once 24 lessons have been met, optional additional lessons may be scheduled at a person rate

  • Payment must be received before we schedule your lesson


  • Lessons will be held every day that school is in session, unless cancelled by instructor or school event. If we teachers, or weather, etc, causes a lesson to be cancelled, it will not be "counted" against your lesson total.

  • If student cannot make a lesson they must notify their instructor 24 hours in advance or lesson will be counted as an absence. This is standard practice for private music lessons and other similar industries.

  • As you know, we really try to be as flexible as possible! 

  • If you let us know in advance, we can adjust our schedules, perhaps slide in another student who wants a make-up or more minutes, prepare to eat lunch, etc., and we are very grateful for the communication.

  • Make-up lessons, in many cases will not be necessary, and we aren't always able to find a spot in the schedule for them. Just come to your next lesson next week.

  • In some instances, like half days for ex, we will try to reschedule an entire afternoon. If you can't make an altered time, just let us know, no problem. 

  • We know one class per week isn't much, and we do our best to make sure students get their weekly lessons.


  • Students are expected to prepare for lessons by maintaining a daily practice routine of equal or greater length than the lesson.

  • We don't make you good; you make you good. 

  • With proper and consistent practice habits, students will get the maximum return.

  • Proper Practice Promotes Progress.

While music is the subject of our mutual interest, the SoundWaves program is about more than merely hittin' the right notes. We aim to best meet our individual students' needs and provide opportunities them grow -- musically, verbally, socially, in faith, in confidence, in self-esteem, in work habits and to understand how they can be empowered to affect their own destiny. 

Thanks very much, we will do our best to set you up with the most excellent lesson setting!
-The Saint Mary SoundWaves Team


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