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Mass Recordings 9-30-2016

Band, Melodines, Harmonizers, Setups, Tech, Cantors, 4th grade recruits--Saint Mary Singers, nice work!

It's nice to get some of that instant feedback when you look out at the pews and see teachers and students from all grades singing along, especially on the new song. Great job being aware of that and getting people to sing along!

Overall, I think we're sounding better than last week, but we can be stronger still. See what you think. Listen, share, enjoy, and think about:

  1. What sounds improved from last week and how?

  2. What should sound better?

  3. What are you going to improve for next week?

The recorder was again placed on the same edge of the organ between the melodines and harmonizers, but I used different type of microphone in a 120º x-y configuration.

Album Art by Brighid M. and Richie H.

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