Bake Sale Success, Thanks
Thank you TheatreWorks, Tower of Babel Big Band, Singin' Swingin' Apostles Stage Choir, and PTA for your generosity and support! Awesome...
Musical "Hope in My Heart" on 1/30, 1/31
Costumes by Antique Costumes & Prop Rental by Nan
Spring Signup & Audition Info
TheatreWorks Presents: GODSPELL jr. featuring The Singin' Swingin' Apostles Stage Choir and The SoundWaves Tower of Babble Big Band...
In a Galilee Far, Phar PHOTOS
Check out these amazing photos from our Christmas production, In a Galilee Far, Far Away. Everyone has great shots in this thorough...
ThWrx Full Co. Spring Season Meeting + swBand / Stage Choir Info 1/11
Can you guess the spring show or is this just a trip down the rabbit hole? Don't fiddle around, be at the meeting! TheatreWorks is...
Barnes & Noble Performance Fundraiser
Barnes & Noble performance and fundraiser Wednesday, December 14, 4pm-6pm!​ Fundraiser. Percentage of purchases made will go to...
"In a Galilee..." Showtimes and Tix Info
Click for printable ticket order form: Saint Mary School TheatreWorks presents: In a Galilee Far, Far Away Featuring: The Quasar Choir...
Tech Week Food Info
Hi everyone, tech week is coming up! As you know, the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday prior to the show, the students have long rehearsals,...
Shout-Out Form: Due 11/23
Congratulate someone from our Cast, Band, Choir or Crew with a Shout-Out that will be included in our printed program! Click for...
Applebee's Flapjack Fundraiser
Applebee's breakfast and sneak peak performance SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 8am-9:40!